Thursday, April 28, 2011

Yea... So... Um... HI :D

Wow today has been a semi long day. Kaitlynn did okay last night. She didnt wake up at 2am but she did wake up around 0630... I guess I should be happy that she slept all night. But today shes been a TERROR!!! <---- thats right... not a normal terror but one that deserves all capital letters! Although while we did grocery shopping she did good (that's because everyone kept telling her how cute she is and what not).

Nick's on CQ (24 hour duty...) for the night and I guess the kids could sense that because they have messed with everything and anything that they could possibly mess with to push my buttons. So here in about 19 minutes they should be going to bed and I can finally have a moments peace! (haha yeah right). They did even wanna eat dinner (Homemade Sausage Gravy and Biscuits) which I know they like it but they didnt want it and I stopped being a short order chef :(

I never thought I would say this but I want my next classes to start already! I thought they started this past Sunday and got all excited and turns out they dont start until this Sunday May 1st... I think the main reason why I am excited is that I got As in my last two classes, so I am off to a good start...

Im gonna go put my kiddos to bed and read a book or something... I need to work on my writing skills also... have a good night everyone!

*** coupon update - I thought I was being all high speed today because I had quite a bit of coupons but... I only saved like 15 bucks... Crazyness... ***


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