Tuesday, April 26, 2011

As the head pounds...

So Kaitlynn decided that today would be a perfect day to wake up at 0448 in the morning. I was already semi awake because of the hubs (he wakes up at 0400... or should I say starts to become alive around that time... lol) He left the house at 0445 and I guess that was Kait's cue to come bug mommy. So after two weeks of getting up at 0200-0230 every morning crying about something or wanting to cuddle and now the early wake ups even if she gets to stay up late (like the weekends) Nick and I have decided no more nap time... Which was more like Nick saying she shouldn't take a nap anymore, me whining cause I wont have my hour to two hours of sanity Mondays-Thursdays (due to those are the days Tristan is in school), and then finally agreeing that that would be the best option.

This all may be ehh to some people but I look forward to the time that I do not have to hear whining, crying, fighting, the TV playing cartoons and me being able to catch up with homework, housework, emails and what not.

***Later in the day***

My head still hurts right about now. Kaitlynn did not nap today... it went okay... she definitely is a lot whinier right about now... But this is crazy! Ahh! Itll probably take a couple days in order to get everything in a routine but hopefully it gets better.

Anyways I signed up to be a BZZagent... So I might start posting reviews on here or what not. I know I dont have a lot of readers but its cool lol!


  1. What's a BZZagent? I've had a headache today too! Hope they both go away, and Miss Kait gets used to her knew schedule soon!

  2. BZZagent is where you can sign up and write product reviews and what not. Sometimes they have stuff that they will send you or coupons to try stuff to review it.
    The Websites answer of who they are: We're an international network of consumers who voluntarily participate in word-of-mouth (WOM) programs for a variety of products and services. Basically, we're a community of communicators.
    Thanks Veronica :D
