Saturday, April 23, 2011

Tired... Yet again!

Heya everyone!

Today has been a semi relaxing day. Hubs had to grill a bunch of meat on the grill tonight because we didnt want it to go bad since its been in the deep freezer since like November. It was yummy and Nick sent a bunch of it to the barracks with the guys so they should be fed well tonight lol!

Anyways im just waiting for my grades to post in my classes. So far I have As but thats not including the final paper/exam for the class. Im trying to do a lot better in these classes than I have in classes I have taken before. I really want to be done with my Bachelors so I can get an accounting job. Itd be nice to be able to go to work :D

Well everyone I will update sometime soon when I have more time <3


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