Thursday, April 28, 2011

Yea... So... Um... HI :D

Wow today has been a semi long day. Kaitlynn did okay last night. She didnt wake up at 2am but she did wake up around 0630... I guess I should be happy that she slept all night. But today shes been a TERROR!!! <---- thats right... not a normal terror but one that deserves all capital letters! Although while we did grocery shopping she did good (that's because everyone kept telling her how cute she is and what not).

Nick's on CQ (24 hour duty...) for the night and I guess the kids could sense that because they have messed with everything and anything that they could possibly mess with to push my buttons. So here in about 19 minutes they should be going to bed and I can finally have a moments peace! (haha yeah right). They did even wanna eat dinner (Homemade Sausage Gravy and Biscuits) which I know they like it but they didnt want it and I stopped being a short order chef :(

I never thought I would say this but I want my next classes to start already! I thought they started this past Sunday and got all excited and turns out they dont start until this Sunday May 1st... I think the main reason why I am excited is that I got As in my last two classes, so I am off to a good start...

Im gonna go put my kiddos to bed and read a book or something... I need to work on my writing skills also... have a good night everyone!

*** coupon update - I thought I was being all high speed today because I had quite a bit of coupons but... I only saved like 15 bucks... Crazyness... ***


Day 1 1/2 of no nappie poos

(Started this post yesterday and didnt finish... whoops)

Nappie Poos.... No I really do not call naps nappie poos... Just felt like making that the title lol!

So Kaitlynn slept until about 0730 this morning. Which is fantastic! but.... (im sure you saw the but coming...) She woke up at 0238 this morning crying yet again... Now I am at a loss of what could be going on so I turned to Facebook... I have a lot of mommy friends on there so I just asked if any of them knew about or had gone through something similar. So far the couple girls who have commented have said it sounds like Night Terrors. One of the girls posted an article and the article states that night terrors are usually related to sleep deprivation. Now Im like ahh that does fit because we put the kids to bed at 2000 (8pm) every night and sometimes a little later on the weekends. But for like the past month we have been finding Kaitlynn and Tristan out of bed or in their rooms playing at 2300 (11pm sorry I am used to writing military hours... I actually like it lol). Of course we try and get them to go to sleep when we put them down, but I am definitely not going to sit in their rooms until they fall asleep. I usually get more stuff down at night then I do during the day so when they go t bed its my time to either relax, clean up or work on homework.  So these night issues started like 2-3 weeks ago so Im wondering what else I can do about it. One girl suggested melatonin and another suggested a doc appointment. I think they all agreed on no more naps and try to wear her out during the day so she can hopefully sleep.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

As the head pounds...

So Kaitlynn decided that today would be a perfect day to wake up at 0448 in the morning. I was already semi awake because of the hubs (he wakes up at 0400... or should I say starts to become alive around that time... lol) He left the house at 0445 and I guess that was Kait's cue to come bug mommy. So after two weeks of getting up at 0200-0230 every morning crying about something or wanting to cuddle and now the early wake ups even if she gets to stay up late (like the weekends) Nick and I have decided no more nap time... Which was more like Nick saying she shouldn't take a nap anymore, me whining cause I wont have my hour to two hours of sanity Mondays-Thursdays (due to those are the days Tristan is in school), and then finally agreeing that that would be the best option.

This all may be ehh to some people but I look forward to the time that I do not have to hear whining, crying, fighting, the TV playing cartoons and me being able to catch up with homework, housework, emails and what not.

***Later in the day***

My head still hurts right about now. Kaitlynn did not nap today... it went okay... she definitely is a lot whinier right about now... But this is crazy! Ahh! Itll probably take a couple days in order to get everything in a routine but hopefully it gets better.

Anyways I signed up to be a BZZagent... So I might start posting reviews on here or what not. I know I dont have a lot of readers but its cool lol!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Tired... Yet again!

Heya everyone!

Today has been a semi relaxing day. Hubs had to grill a bunch of meat on the grill tonight because we didnt want it to go bad since its been in the deep freezer since like November. It was yummy and Nick sent a bunch of it to the barracks with the guys so they should be fed well tonight lol!

Anyways im just waiting for my grades to post in my classes. So far I have As but thats not including the final paper/exam for the class. Im trying to do a lot better in these classes than I have in classes I have taken before. I really want to be done with my Bachelors so I can get an accounting job. Itd be nice to be able to go to work :D

Well everyone I will update sometime soon when I have more time <3


Saturday, April 9, 2011


Ok now I warn ya yes I am mentioning the almost government shutdown but only because it relates to what I was gonna talk a little about.

So I am sure that most people know that the government almost shut down last night and that it meant there was going to be a bunch of people who had to go to work and not get paid, also military would only get half a paycheck and then there were the very unlucky people who would not be allowed to go to work and therefore would not get paid for going to work (back pay for the military peoples). Well crisis avoided thank goodness. But what I really wanted to mention was the commissary was flipping absolutely insane. The threat of the shutdown had information out saying if the government shut down then the commissaries would close because I believe they are government funded.

You wouldve thought that we were bracing for Armageddon or a severe winter storm. I made the mistake of going because I was buying a couple things for dinner and ended up inside the madness! Anyways so I get my tired kiddos out of the jeep and it was like 1630 (430pm I still type military time sometimes I apologize). So I drag my kiddos inside to find a line of people starting to form because there was absolutely no carts except two carts with the little cars attached in the front for kiddos. (I forgot to mention there was little parking and for my commissary thats bad... it does not even get like that on payday!) No one in the line had kiddos with them so I walked up and grabbed one of the kid carts. Everyone was running around and grabbing everything they could! I got bumped 4 times and pushed (well it felt like a push) 1 time. It took me an hour to grab like 10 things and go through the line and get out to my jeep! I was like AHH! Even the bagger who helped me out was like "today is a freaking madness! you would think they would want to save their money!?"

Now fast forward to this morning. I wake up to find out that the govt didnt shut down because a deal had been struck and they are signing the final papers this week. Fantastic! They have 6 months to figure out next years budget so we will see. I feel bad for all the people who rushed to the commissary cause nothing happened. But hopefully this situation will not happen again.

Thats all for tonight. I gotta go to bed soon since I have some more homework to do tomorrow and try to relax also.

Have a good night everyone!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Life is good!

So right now I am hanging out in a comfy chair at my Mother-in-law's. We came out for a three-day visit to celebrate Tristan's 4th birthday (which is on Tuesday). We have had a good weekend and tons of pictures. I absolutely loved being here and feel so relaxed... Tomorrow is the 4-5 hour drive back home and back to our normal crazy lives!

Just thought I would share a couple pics of my babies :D



They are a bit pink from bring out in 90 degree weather that they are definitely not used to.

***Coupon update: My Mother in law gave me some of her coupon wisdom... lets see if it helps me any lol!***

Have a good night yall!
